How Did I become a Chiropractor in Green Bay?

I was the last person who would go to a Chiropractor. I had badly injured my neck in January 1991 when I fell on icy steps. Over several days it didn’t get any better, and I was reduced to the point where in order to get out of bed I had to grab my hair and use my arms to lift my head off of the pillow in the mornings.
My Chiropractic Story
My brother Chuck asked me: “Why don’t you go and see my Chiropractor?” My grumpy pained reply was something along the lines of “what the *(%@! is a Chiropractor and why would I want to see one?” His response was: “Just go and see him.” In resignation I did just what he suggested, and it changed my life.
The Chiropractor, Dr. Michael, did a thorough examination and took full spine X-Rays, and then he sat down and reviewed them with me so that I could see and understand just what was causing my pain, and what could be done to remedy it. Then he gave me my first adjustment. The pain quickly and dramatically improved over the next days and weeks. It was wonderful!
I stayed under the care of Dr. Michael in order to strengthen my spine and stop the ongoing degeneration that unknown to me was resulting in arthritis and bone spur formation visible on the neck X-ray films at age 21. I was shocked to say the least. Up until then I had considered myself health. I was “invulnerable” as we all consider ourselves when we are young, but staring me in the face was an image that said otherwise. I had grown up on a farm in northern WI. I had sustained many injuries, and I am lucky to still have all my eyes, fingers and toes with some of the crazy stunts my siblings and I did growing up. But I suspect it was the times (more than one) that I had bales of hay unexpectedly drop onto my head that caused my injury. When we are young, we just shake it off, and continue on, assuming that when the pain fades, that we are fine. That is not always the case.
I had a vague idea that there was some type of Doctor called a Chiropractor that my Mom and Dad would go to, and by the time I was 21, all my siblings had gone to one for various physical injuries, but I myself had never gone. I was “young and invulnerable” remember? So when I hurt myself, it wasn’t really well defined in my mind what a Chiropractor did or how it could help me. I was ignorant of what Chiropractic was. And I had never felt that I needed to see one.
Fortunately I listened to my older brother and on top of that, I was fortunate to go to a Chiropractor like Dr. Michael who was a teacher as well as an unusually dedicated practitioner. He showed me that my neck was undergoing an accelerated degeneration process and unless something was done, it was only going to get worse with time. That got my attention, and I continued under regular care after my pain was resolved, in order to restore this damaged area.
The best part of my experience was not the pain relief, nor the increased energy and stamina I felt after I started regular care, but rather the end of my chronic sinus allergies that I had had for years. To no longer have to take anti histamines and antibiotics every day for the summer sold me on Chiropractic care. The unexpected side effect of getting my neck healthy again was to reduce the irritation level of the nerves in my neck to the point that they could allow my sinus membranes, which they controlled, to finally heal. I could finally breathe again! The pollen in the air was no longer enough to set off my allergies, because we had calmed the over irritated nerves by restoring the spine.
This experience more than any other convinced me to become a Chiropractor. I was a skeptic and as ignorant as anyone in the world. I had never “needed” to see a Chiropractor as far as I was aware up until that time. Dr. Michael’s treatment accomplished more than standard medical care was able to do for me. It wasn’t easy, it took effort on my part and cost money, but to me the results were worth the cost. It was worth it to me to be healthy again for the first time in years. I decided to become a Chiropractor in order to help other people to get what I received: their lives back.
I have received regular Chiropractic care for 25 years now, and there have not been any personal health problems that it has not been able to offer assistance with. It helps my body heal itself. I no longer need to see the Chiropractor, now I WANT to see the Chiropractor!
I also studied other healing methods: nutrition, Neuro Emotional Technique, and many other methods in order to understand how to assist myself and others to achieve better health outcomes. I wish to maintain full vibrant health for the rest of my life, as much or more than anyone, and my experience has shown me that this is the most vital part. Unlike the majority of people, I don’t believe that prescription drugs will make me healthy.
Thomas Edison is said to have stated: “the doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. This is a point of view that I share, and practice in my own life.
I hope this helps you in your own health journey.
Dr. Christopher J. Meyer. D.C.
8:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 5:30pm
8:00am - 5:30pm
8:00am - 5:30pm
CJ Meyer Chiropractic
2733 Manitowoc Road #10A
Green Bay, WI 54311